Here are five of the most underrated defensive prospects in the 2020 NFL Draft
This is part two of the top five most underrated 2020 NFL Draft prospects. We covered offensive prospects last time around, here we are taking a look at the five most underrated defensive players in the 2020 NFL Draft.
The previous iteration of the most underrated prospects list touched on what makes a prospect fly under the radar. To reiterate, the aspects that cause such a phenomenon are, where a prospect has played, the other players around him or the depth of the class he is apart of. Some additional factors include use in college, production and in some cases injury.
Another factor that hasn’t been mentioned is a player’s rawness. Usually, this means that a particular prospect, while displaying enticing athletic traits, is still learning the many facets of their positions. The degrees of which may vary, some only need a little fine-tuning while others could potentially take 2-3 years before they are ready to step into a full-time role. These are also the players who have the most boom/bust potential in a particular draft.
Raw NFL prospects may typically come from smaller programs in a non-power five schools. Recent examples of this are players such as Marcus Davenport from the 2018 NFL Draft who played his college ball at UTSA.
As for the 2020 NFL Draft, there is no shortage of technically raw players and there are a couple on this list even.