NFL Power Rankings: Top 10 Current Nicknames

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#4:  Marshawn Lynch:  “Beast Mode

One of several players who took advantage of the Transformers movie rush over the past few years, Marshawn Lynch paid homage to a somewhat forgotten (and highly underrated) CGI cartoon that became popular in the ’90s called “Beast Wars.”  In this instance the giant robots didn’t become airplanes, tanks or cars.  They became animals, ferocious beasts of savagery.

Hence why every time Lynch trampled over defenders when running the ball, the term was coined that he was going “Beast Mode.”  It has resulted in more than few memorable moments, including a couple of man-made earthquakes.  The Seattle Seahawks only wish they understood the value of what Lynch could a little better.  Maybe then they’d have two Super Bowl trophies to admire instead of one.