Michael Ojemudia – Cornerback – Iowa
2019 Season Stats / Total Tackles: 52 / Interceptions: 3
One of the more underlying needs for the Chicago Bears going into the 2020 NFL offseason is at cornerback. Kyle Fuller has become one of the better corners in the NFL, however, Chicago lacks a lot of solid depth outside of him. While they are set in the slot with Buster Skrine in town, the Chicago Bears could use an outside presence to help Fuller.
Enter Iowa’s Michael Ojemudia. The biggest thing that stands out to me on film with Ojemudia is his large 6-1, 200-pound frame. While not quite as physical as you would like to see him, he does a good job at crowding lanes and making opposing receivers really work to get open, using his large size to his advantage.
However, the Chicago Bears will have to work with Ojemudia, at least for his first two years in the NFL. Right now, as he’s not particularly sound in man coverage, he’ll sometimes lose guys and try to jump the route as well. Having said that, Ojemudia displays all the necessary tools to really excel in zone coverage at the next level.
The Bears could likely take Ojemudia with either one of their fifth or early sixth-round picks depending on how the board falls. But if they commit coaching Ojemudia to make him a more well-rounded player, then the Bears could really have a steal on their hands.