Best College GameDay Signs of the Week: Alabama Edition

Every week we watch the, um, brilliant minds of the College GameDay crowd and their signs. The College GameDay Signs have become a staple of not just the show, but the weekly celebration of college football. With the show out in Alabama, we decided to feature some of the best (and appropriate) College GameDay Signs of the week.

Some Adele references to start the day. Nice

As someone who’s in a College of Communications, I don’t know if I should agree or feel angry…

It gonna rain!

More Adele? Not complaining

Who’s excited for Star Wars?

And the Les Miles eating grass signs have arrived

If you watched the Temple/Notre Dame game last week, you already know

I’ve got a big head, and little arms. If you don’t get that, you’re too young

Picks are coming soon!!

Technically true, but…

The man is a beast. Again, if you don’t understand this sign, you’re too young

This game could mean the season for these two teams

Ok, it’s funny cause it’s true

Next: Game Preview: LSU vs Alabama

We’ll keep you updated when new signs start popping up. Enjoy the games today guys!