Jim Harbaugh Trade Will Dictate Oakland Raiders Draft Approach

Mark Davis has had enough. He is tired of seeing a sad string of overmatched head coaches come in and out the door and is prepared to do what it takes to land the Oakland Raiders somebody who can lead the organization out of the doldrums of a losing streak that has lasted over a decade. So it’s no wonder he’s preparing a package of cash and NFL draft picks in order to acquire Jim Harbaugh, who has reached the end of his tenure with the San Francisco 49ers.

Whatever the reasoning for the split in spite of three NFC championship appearance and a Super Bowl berth, the fact is the two sides are ready to part ways and the Raiders are eager to take advantage. Why shouldn’t they? Harbaugh is a proven coach known for his ability to lead and to develop quarterbacks, which the Raiders want for their young talent Derek Carr. It’s common sense.

Should this happen, it then becomes a question of how the Oakland Raiders will approach the upcoming NFL draft. First ideas hinted at it costing two 2nd and two 3rd round picks in order for a team to get Harbaugh via trade from the 49ers. That will get the team a great coach but also threaten to inhibit their ability to continue building the roster. Unless of course they find a way to regain some picks.

That is why the projections of them holding the 1st overall selection is so important. Being able to flip that pick to a team in search of a quarterback could end up netting the Raiders a healthy return and would vastly ease the hit they would take from a Harbaugh trade. It all comes down to the timing.