Wednesday Football Twitter Chatter

Jason Hanson – 42 Years Old and still Kickin’ it. Photo Credit: Hannah Foslien/Getty Images

Here is your weekly Twitter Fest from the football weekend.  From Old Man Jason Hanson, more good stuff on the state of NFL officiating, a good old jab from Fake President Obama, to some interesting takes on Alex Smith, it was a good weekend for some off-the -cuff  Tweets.  Enjoy.

Rich Eisen (@richeisen)
9/16/12 8:19 PM
I’m up for putting this 9ers-winning-despite-Alex-Smith stuff to bed. He seems to make every right decision and knows how to run this team.

Tony Bruno (@TonyBrunoShow)
9/16/12 5:39 PM
I knew that with 7 years of seasoning Alex Smith would become the best QB in the NFL.#shitnooneeversaid

Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien)
9/16/12 2:19 PM
Bold move by the NFL starting their season without their normal referees and going with guys from Foot Locker.

Michael Tanier (@MikeTanier)
9/16/12 1:30 PM
There is video evidence that you need to go back to your day job because you are not competent to officiate an NFL game.

Ross Tucker (@RossTuckerNFL)
9/16/12 7:15 PM
Jason Hanson’s NFL career is legally old enough to drink alcohol

Randall Liu (@RLiuNFL)
9/16/12 6:01 PM
#Lions Jason Hanson made @nfl debut 9/6/92. @RGIII was 2 years old #SNF

Clay Travis (@ClayTravisBGID)
9/16/12 3:40 PM
Today the Texans became the first team in NFL history to clinch a division in week two.

LEFT (@LeftSentThis)
9/16/12 12:58 PM
The Raiders (as of week number 2) look like the worst team in the NFL. They look like someone that’s playing Madden for the first time.

Head Ball Coach (@HeadBallCoachSC)
9/15/12 8:23 PM
Hey college football…USC is still undefeated.

Cloyd Rivers (@CloydRivers)
9/15/12 3:35 PM
This country was founded on camo, cold ones and college football. Merica.

Barack Obama (@ThePresObama)
9/15/12 11:05 AM
Getting some good college football in today, or as Mitt calls it, watching people “engage in sport”.

Sports Dude (@TheSportsDude_)
9/16/12 8:28 PM
Hearing Chris Collinsworth commentate makes me not miss him on Madden

Scott Fujita (@scottfujita99)
9/17/12 7:27 AM
Missed calls & bad calls are going to happen. That’s part of the deal & we can all live with it. But not knowing all the rules…

…and major procedural errors (like allowing the clock to run after an incomplete pass) are completely unacceptable. Enough already.

Mike Woellert (@PFF_MWoellert)
9/18/12 3:46 PM
Matt Ryan has more rushing yards than Chris Johnson