The Warhawks Were Hungry! Photo Credit: Nelson Chenault, US Presswire
What a weekend of great and not so great (I’m talking to you Arkansas) football. There were some interesting performances; I’m clearing my throat at you Brandon Weeden. Whatever you do, please take the time to watch the video some wonderful or pitiful, depending on how you look at life, Arkansas fan posted.
MileHighReport (@MileHighReport)
9/10/12 8:20 AM
Running ‘joke’ in Cleveland today? Brandon Weeden’s QB Rating(5.1) nearly identical to his career ERA from 5-years in A-Ball(5.02) #Browns
Zac Jackson (@FSOhioZJackson)
9/10/12 7:40 AM
In the category of “Could Be Worse,” the Browns once had a QB play so poorly on Opening Day that they traded him the next day.
John Buccigross (@Buccigross)
9/10/12 5:23 AM
Most Consecutive Games Pass TD, NFL History
Unitas 47 1956-60
Brees 44 2009-present
Favre 36 2002-04
Brady 33 2010-present
Cajun Humor (@cajunhumor)
9/10/12 11:00 AM
Monday could be worse, you could be in Arkansas.
Faux John Madden (@FauxJohnMadden)
9/10/12 10:14 AM
I have no words for this video.. just.. please watch this Arkansas fan try to rally her team –
Richard Marx (@richardmarx)
9/9/12 10:15 AM
The Bears’ offense is softer than any song I’ve ever written.
Ramzy Nasrallah (@ramzy)
9/8/12 10:22 PM
On the bright side, once Rich Rodriguez gets his players to run Arizona’s defense it will be much, much worse.
Frank Caliendo (@FrankCaliendo)
9/10/12 5:04 AM
C’mon #NFL ,we need u & the refs to make a deal. I say Ed Hochuli & Roger Goodell arm wrestle 4 it. Would be lead story on @SportsCenter
Mobutu Sese Seko (@Mobute)
9/9/12 8:56 PM
I am totally unsurprised that Peter King reported that replacement referees caused no significant problems, because an NFL official said so.
Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing)
9/11/12 10:04 AM
New Post – NFL Network new leader in the clubhouse for worst Tim Tebow segment
JALEN ROSE (@JalenRose)
9/10/12 9:58 PM
With 3 special teams miscues , the Raiders need to acquire Tebow for punt protection duties! Just kidding. I couldn’t resist #NFL
Peyton’s Head (@PeytonsHead)
9/10/12 8:41 PM
Darren McFadden…Best player in the NFL according to Carson Palmer. But he also considers himself an NFL QB……
Jason Babin (@JasonBabin93)
9/10/12 6:52 PM
These #ScabReferees are hurting the #NFL image worse then#PacManJones