Did you hear? The NFL starts today!
That’s probably the biggest things I have to report, but besides the return of all things Holy Pigskin, there were a ton of interesting moments and markers from the begining of the college football season. And, some tasty tidbits to look forward to as the NFL restarts itself.
First, I have to say it: only an SEC team, especially Alabama would jump another team after week 1 in the AP rankings. Seriously? First of all, what did USC do exactly that would make a writer think to drop them to second? They destroyed a Hawaii team exactly as expected. They looked dominate from start to finish, end of story. Alabama? They beat up on a vastly overrated Michigan team, which, by the way, EVERYONE in this hemisphere knew they would do. Did I say Michigan was overrated? I said it before the season even started, that they are looking at an 8-4 record. All those that had them winning the Legends division and going to a BCS game? Think again. But, I digress. As good as Alabama looked, and they did look good, no way should they have jumped USC. Bias much AP writers?
I heard that the head coach of Savannah State thanked Okie State HC Mike Gundy for NOT running up the score; that it could have been much worse than 84-0. Of course he’s right. But, what he really should have said as he shook hands and looked Gundy in the eye was this: “Really coach, that’s all you got”. And then snorted and walked away as he shouted “I’m a man!”. Seriously though, good luck Tigers, as you play a much easier opponent this Saturday. Some obscure team from Tallahassee. I’m suggesting you spend that money the school will make from the game on some type of therapy for your players.
Number of the week: 86. The number of offensive plays Ohio State ran in Urban Meyers debut as coach. During the Tressel era, the team averaged in the mid-60’s in offensive plays ran. RIP Tresselball.
My early season overrated teams so far? Michigan, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Stanford, Oklahoma, Va. Tech and Michigan State (if only on the offensive side of the ball). I want to keep an eye on how many carries Bell has before he wears out.
I did a live fantasy football draft through NFL.com yesterday. Don’t laugh; it was only the second time I’ve played FF and my first live draft. I know, I know. I’ve been busy in my past life. Why do I bring this up? One of the other teams first 3 draft picks went like this: Round 1, SF Defense. Round 2, Frank Gore. Round 3, Vernon Davis. BIG SF fan anyone? (for the record, because I’m sure Jesse B. is curious, my first 3 picks went as such: Matthew Stafford, Trent Richardson, Fred Jackson.) I also picked Mike Wallace, Dez Bryant, Jacob Tamme, Reggie Bush, NY Jets Defense and Matt Bryant K to round out my starters.
This is not a unique thought, but is there any reason that ESPN can’t do better then Mark May or Lou Holtz for their College Football studio show? First of all, I can’t understand a damn thing Grandpa Lou says. My grandfather used to talk that way, and I spent many a teenage year just smiling at him and shaking my head like I was paying attention. And May, this man knows about as much about football as I do dentistry. Just because I brush my teeth doesn’t mean I should be filling the cavities of others. He played football. End. Of. Story.
The Giants-Cowboys game should be interesting tonight. There are also a handful of really good match ups for week 1. However, if I had to pick one game out that I’m really looking forward to it’s the Bills-Jets game. This Jets team is a made for reality TV train wreck, at least on offense, and I am picking the Bills to come to NY and do some damage.
I’m slowly adapting to life on the West Coast as opposed to the Mid-West. Those Noon games are now at 9am in my world. There is nothing like cracking open a beer right after eating breakfast before kickoff. Now, if I only could get my wife to understand that watching football from 9am and finishing up with College Football roundup at midnight is a noble thing….
I’ve got UCLA upsetting Nebraska this weekend. Who you got? Have a great one.