Preseason Observations, The Ridiculous Edition

Having the NFL Network, if nothing else, has allowed me to watch several preseason games in the first week.  I was actually a bit excited to have this opportunity, being a newbie to the network.  The excitement faded almost instantly by the end of the first day.  Why?  Because I wasn’t sure if I was watching NFL Football or something else entirely.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still football season, and I will continue to watch.  It’s football after all! And, I realize this was just the first of four glorious weeks of getting ready for the real thing. That being said, a number of things stood out to me.  In no particular order, here they are:

-They Raiders/Cowboys game has to be one of the single most horrendous acts of football I have ever watched.  I felt almost dirty afterwards and will even admit that I changed channels frequently to watch some infomercials that were much more entertaining.  If I had to take one thing away from that game (though there were many) it would be that the Raiders are in BIG trouble in terms of QB play.  Big. Trouble.

-I have grown extremely weary of the trifecta of Randy Moss, T.O, and Chad “I can’t remember my last name” Johsnson.  I like football, not soap operas.  By all accounts, Randy Moss is doing fine and I honestly have not heard too much from him.  But, my extreme hope is that, at some point this season, we don’t have to witness Mr. Owens crying again, on the field or off, and that nobody picks up Chad 85.  I’m serious, how many times do these teams feel the need to take these old men who have nothing much to offer anymore except their baggage. Here’s to keeping my proverbial fingers crossed that the only time I hear from Moss is through his play on the field.  Yes, yes, I KNOW Owens is still fast, and that Chad can still play, but do we really need them in the NFL anymore?  No.

-Somewhere, I think, I’ve heard of a player by the name of Tim Tebow.  I hear he plays QB, though that’s not a consensus by any means.  Seriously though, enough.  It’s not personal Tim, but if I flip the tube on and have to hear about you on ESPN, First Take, NFL Network, or, for the love of God, see you in GQ (which I won’t because I don’t get that magazine) one more time, I am going to do something crazy. (and if you know me that won’t be anything at all).  I get it, Tim sells.  I get it, Tim is a good guy.  I get it, Tim appeals to mothers and Evangelicals everywhere.  And no, I’m not slamming these people.  But, I DO like my superstars to at least be exceptional at their craft, and let’s be honest, Tim is not there and probably never will be at the QB trade.  He can’t complete 50% of his passes!  He plays QB!  Ugh!

– Realizing that I probably showed my age a bit in the last paragraph, let me give you one more ” old guy” rant (though a bit off topic), as it were: ESPN First Take. Now, I was going to write an entire article dedicated to this ridiculous two hours of TV drivel, but I decided to not give them the satisfaction of more exposure than I already am.  What trash this show has become.  I remember, if just a tad longingly, the original days of Cold Pizza.  Sure, sure, they still had Skip “I’m so fake even my mother knows it” Bayless back then.  But, at least they had a nice array of topics, including guests, multiple sports were represented and good personalities appeared from time to time.  Now, this is nothing but two hours of the two most annoying personalities in their fields yelling at each other about 2-3 topics; every day!  The love affair of all things Tim Tebow is paramount with this show.  The latest verbal crap fest? Chad 85 and his recent troubles.  Did I hear correctly, Stephen A. Smith constantly needing to question Chad’s wife?  He head butted her dude!  Head butted her. Nothing to talk about here.   I just simply miss the days of good debate that wasn’t always manufactured. I want an adult “all sports” show and there is nothing like that out there.

-I am 50-50 on the recent and past discussion of limiting preseason games.  On one hand, the injuries are already out of hand.  But, on the other hand, have you seen these teams play in week one?  They need more than two games to get ready for the season.  The really good teams could get away with it going into regular season play, but the other teams need the time to get better.  I’m just afraid that by the time we get to opening week, teams like my Browns are going to be unable to field teams that can compete (yeah, I know, enter joke here…..).  Tough call in a tough and rumble sport, no doubt.

-Last one for today: replacement refs.  Are you kidding me?  Yes, last week were their first games.  Yes, they may have been a bit nervous.  You know what?  Who cares.  You are experienced football officials, NFL or not. You must flip the switch on your communication device Mr. Referee in order for it to work.  You, on the punt during the Bills/Redskins game, yeah you.  It’s only a touch-back if it goes across the goal line, NOT the 4 yard line.  Dude!  And you, yeah I didn’t forget about you..oh forget it.  I don’t feel bad for the regular officials, whether one feels their demands or legitimate or not, I just feel terrible for the players and the fans, who are basically going to have every other play during the season reviewed.  Really, do we want to go with officials who have to have a player on the sideline explain the rules to them?  No, we really don’t.