Ryan Tannehill: Franchise QB, Like It Or Not

For months I’ve been defending Ryan Tannehill.  As a Seahawks fan I watched as much tape as I could get my hands on, because he was a legitimate target in Seattle, so I wanted to learn all I could about him.  But then two things happened; The Seahawks signed free-agent Matt Flynn, and Tannehill’s stock has risen to the point that he probably wouldn’t have been there for them at #12 anyway.

Did you hear that?  Let that sink in.  He probably wouldn’t have been there at #12.

Tannehill looks every bit the part of NFL Franchise Quarterback Prospect.  He’s 6′ 4″, 222 lbs.  He played in an NFL system for a former NFL head coach at Texas A&M.  He has a strong arm, hangs in the pocket under pressure, and he’s a dynamic leader.

I could go on, but why bother?  Some of you have already tuned me out, right?  Most likely you’re a Cleveland or Miami fan who just doesn’t buy the hype.  You’ve been let down before, by the Chad Henne’s, Colt McCoy’s, or Tim Couch’s of the world, and you’re still trying to deal with the disappointment that you aren’t going to get a shot at Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin III.

And that’s fine.  If you have seen a lot of Tannehill and just don’t like him as a prospect, so be it.  But one recurring opinion just drives….me……nuts.  And it’s time to end it.

Ryan Tannehill  is NOT a converted receiver!!!!!!!

This seems to be one of the biggest criticisms I’m hearing from his detractors.  And it’s just not just wrong, it’s lazy.

Tannehill has played quarterback his entire life.  He started at QB as a junior and senior in Big Spring, TX.  He was the #21 dual-threat QB recruit in the nation according to Rivals.com.  He went to Texas A&M as a quarterback.  As a freshman he was unable to beat out Stephen McGee (now with the Dallas Cowboys) and Jerrod Johnson won the job as a sophomore.  In an attempt to get on the field, Tannehill volunteered to play receiver, and he did it well enough to lead the team in receptions over those two seasons.

During that time, he still attended every quarterback meeting and worked out at quarterback in practice.  He was listed at #3 on the depth chart as a true freshman and #2 as a sophomore.  He did take some snaps as a sophomore.

So if you’re only knock on Tannehill is that he has only been a QB for two years?  Just stop it, period.

Instead, listen to what some of the more respected talent evaluators in the country have to say:

"“I’ve got him in my top 10, when you watch him and you see his intelligence and his athletic ability and his hard work, I think you get a pretty good feeling for him. I think he deserves to be there and only time will tell. And I think if you remember last year, I did think that young man at Carolina (Cam Newton) was going to be pretty good.”    –Gil Brandt, former Dallas G.M.Finished R. Tannehill on Wednesday & he is a Big Time QB Prospect who is definitely a Top 10 pick & has physical tools to be special NFL QB  –Tweet by Russ Lande, Sporting News“He’s got everything you want. He’s got size, he’s got arm strength, really good athlete. All you have to do is look at his tape. He’s a big, fast kid with a really good arm.”  Mike Mayock, NFL Network“I think the most underrated player – maybe in the entire draft right now – is Ryan Tannehill. … Tannehill is just, to me, steady, sturdy lower body, smooth delivery, accurate.”  –Todd McShay, ESPN Scout’s Inc.There’s no question that Tannehill’s stock was helped when a couple of other QBs opted to stay in college, but his growth curve has been exceptional, and he’s a guy you draft with a very high ceiling in mind. Good arm, the athleticism you’d expect from a former wide receiver and with very good instincts for the position.   –Mel KiperMiami may not get OC Mike Sherman’s college QB, Tannehill, staying at 8.  –Tweet from Peter King, Sports Illustrated"

And then there’s this from Jacksonville Jaguar’s G.M. Gene Smith, on being willing to listen to offers for the pick they hold at #7, just ahead of Miami.

"“I know there’s a lot of interest in Tannehill.”"

I’m not saying Tannehill is can’t miss, no quarterback is in this draft outside of Luck.  Personally, I think he would have been the second best prospect in last year’s group.  The best comparison is Locker because he’s as good an athlete, but Tannehill is more polished.  He’s much tougher and a better leader than Gabbert, and he has a better arm than Ponder.

And one more time for posterity.  He’s not a converted receiver.

Fans of the Browns and Dolphins should repeat that statement a few times, and get ready for the very real possibility that Ryan Tannehill could be your next QB.