In my first blog for, I talked a little about the visceral and exciting feeling that drafting RG3 would provide, both for the Skins and us fans. Like this young man’s game and personality, there are a plethora of reasons to draft him.
I was fairly amazed the other day to hear the flip-flopping from pundits and fans, when it was leaked that the Rams were going to ask for three #1 picks for their #2 this year. First, I’m not really sure that that is positively true. Does anyone know?
I don’t think the deal will be that costly – the Rams aren’t the kind of managed/coached team to rake us over the coals; the coaches and GMs of both teams respect one another a great deal – and neither team is going to admit RIGHT NOW what they are willing to ultimately make a deal for.
The wishy-washy opinions were hard to hear, though. I don’t think people fully realize what they have in front of them. In order to better help the nay-sayers see clearly, let me reminisce about my childhood a little bit. I was born in Waco, TX (way) back in 1969. During the early eighties, after growing up an Army brat throughout the South and some years in Germany, I lived in the North Dallas area. Back then, there was this small religious school called Southern Methodist University, who had a bonafide ‘generational’ player on their football team. SMU is still there, of course, but not only has there not been another player like Dickerson to play at SMU since, there hasn’t been a player of his caliber at any small religious school (those guys go to Texas, OU and now OK State or out of state schools).
Erik Dickerson became one of the best running backs in NFL history, nearly winning the Heisman trophy, making SMU relevant for the first and only time. Today, around thirty years later, another phenom is coming out of a small religious college in Texas, and more people know about Baylor University than at any other time in history. But this time, the guy DOES win the Heisman for the first time in Baylor’s history. I wonder how many people truly understand how exceptional you have to be in order to accomplish what RG3 did … OUT OF BAYLOR!!
Over the last two regular seasons he threw for over 3,500 yards per, for 58 touchdowns to only 14 interceptions. Oh yeah, he had more rushing touchdowns (17) than picks! The dude is just on another level. And dare I say it, like Dickerson before him, a generational-type of player.
Now, I ask you … How many draft picks is someone like that worth? In my mind, as many as it takes.
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