M.I.A., Not Madonna Causes Halftime Stir with Middle Finger

Ever since the Janet Jackson Halftime “nip-slip” the N.F.L. has been very careful in deciding their half time performers for the Superbowl. It seemed odd when then they selected Madonna, who has long been known as a controversial entertainer (think of the kiss at the M.T.V. for one such fairly recent controversy). It turns out Madonna was the safest choice last night.

M.I.A. A guest performer in the Bridgestone Half-time special show, gave a one finger salute to America (we know have an exclusive photo provider who doesn’t have the shot so click on the link to see it, nothing special, just a middle finger).

The bigger issue than a Janet Jackson Boob Flash or a M.I.A middle finger is how little I care about the Superbowl Halftime show. I’m sure there are people out there who are huge Madonna fans and were happy to see her on stage, but as a football fan I’d rather not have that half an hour over time and just get back to playing football. Maybe it’s a great thing live, but it just doesn’t come across on television. I’d rather see a singer sit up there on the stage and just sing a great song rather than all the jumping and dancing and cheerleaders spinning around or the medley. Not my cup of tea.

Here’s what the N.F.L. says about the situation (via the profootballtalk.com link up above)

“The NFL hired the talent and produced the halftime show,” NBC spokesman Christopher McCloskey said, via the Associated Press.  “Our system was late to obscure the inappropriate gesture and we apologize to our viewers.”

“The obscene gesture in the performance was completely inappropriate, very disappointing, and we apologize to our fans,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said.

What do you guys think?