Today, Alex Smith the “bust” proved to all N.F.L. fans what 49ers fans have realized this entire season. Alex Smith is a clutch N.F.L. quarterback who has been perhaps the best quraterback in the fourth quarter this season outside of Eli Manning and Aaron Rodgers.
This is not the first time Alex Smith has lead a fourth quarter come-back, in fact it’s not even close. Alex Smith has been doing this all season. Alex Smith went all Tebow today, he relied on his defense creating turnovers for and putting up points that way for the first three quarters in the game, but in the end he went “Alex Smith time”
I”m not sure this is vindication yet for the former first round pick (who was selected ahead of Aaron Rodgers as you might hear 1,000 times this upcoming week if the Packers beat the Giants tomorrow). Smith doesn’t have the gaudy numbers Eli has put up in the fourth quarter of games this year but coutnless times he has lead his team down the field for a game-winning clinching drive in the fourth quarter this season, and you’d have to ask someone who watched every minute of every 49ers game to give you all the games, but I know for certain that this was the case in at least the Lions game and the Giants game among others. The Eagles game I believe as well.
It hasn’t always been pretty, but it’s been enough.
Smith has a real shot at finally getting some vindication next week when he faces up against the Giants or Packers to make his first Superbowl apperance.
Congratulations to the 49ers in one of the most exciting football games I’ve seen in awhile with a crazy fantastic ending.
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