Interview With Steelers 7th Round pick: Baron Batch

Baron Batch is a Former Texas Tech Red Raider who was drafted in the 7th round by the Pittsburgh Steelers. Batch is 5’9 and change 207 pounds and runs a 4.5 40 yard dash. Who put up 24 reps on the bench press at Texas A and M’s proday and had a 39 inch vertical leap. Batch has never been a player who never carried the ball 200 times in one season in College. He also saw his yards per carry decrease from 6.7 to 5.3 to 4.6 yards per carry in three consecutive years. Batch can catch the ball out of the backfield (57 times in 2009, 32 times in 2010) and could be a solid third down back to complement Mendenhall in Pittsburgh.

Baron Batch had an interview with Steelers Universe at, a message board and forum dedicated to the Pittsburgh Steelers. We had Perry Biggerstaff a member of Steelersuniverse contribute a few scouting reports during the draft season, as well as some other articles because of the relationship we built with Steelers Universe they are going to allow us to share the interviews they have prepared with all of the Pittsburgh Steelers draft picks. This is the first one.

Steelers Universe :  Baron, Thank you very much for taking the time to talk with Steelers Universe.   I have to tell you that you are gathering quite a following on our site.  Your life story and your blog are very inspirational.

Let me get to some of the questions that we are interested in getting answers to:

Steelers Universe :  This lockout especially effects this years draft class. Being a 7th round pick, do you feel the lockout situation will ultimately help or hurt your chances to make the team?
Baron: I have zero control over the lockout and wont worry about something I have no control over, with that being said I will work harder than ever to make the final roster.

Steelers Universe: Baron, I am so impressed with your incredible route running skills. Would you be willing to line up, occasionally, as a slot receiver if needed?
Baron: I would line up as a fullback if they asked me to do so. I am just excited about the opportunity that has been given to me and I want to make the most of it. I will do whatever they ask me to do if I can help the team.

Steelers Universe: Go through the moment you were drafted by the Steelers. What were the emotions?
Baron: It was pure joy being drafted to the team that I really wanted to end up going to; it was also a major relief knowing where I would be going.

Steelers Universe: I know you don’t personally define yourself as a running back…or even an athlete. Tell us how Baron Batch defines himself.
Baron: I define myself as someone who tries their best, its important to me to do the best I can at anything and everything that I am able to do. I am a normal flawed person that screws up often just like everyone else, but I’m trying.

Steelers Universe :  What is the next step for you? What are you going to do until the lockout is lifted?
Baron: I will continue to stay in shape and get in the best shape I can possibly be in so when the lockout ends I am ready to help the team in whatever capacity I am asked.

Steelers Universe :  I see that the front office was instigating a little friendly rivalry between you and Curtis Brown. Did you get the chance to talk with him personally while you where in Pittsburgh?
Baron: Yeah first off Curtis is a tremendous player. Having to compete against him for the past few years I have seen him make many plays and am excited to get to play with him now. We spoke briefly on our visit before the draft and he seemed like a real down to earth and cool guy.

Steelers Universe :  Why is it that no one knew that you were in Pittsburg for a visit prior to the draft? Was the front office trying to keep you a secret from the other teams?
Baron: Yeah Im not really sure about that. I didnt know that it was a huge deal so I told a few people and then obviously wrote about it in one of my columns, but I really never thought much in to it. Im not the type of person to flaunt something like that.

Steelers Universe :  What role on the team do you foresee for yourself the first year? Are you willing to play ST’s?

Baron: I will do whatever is asked of me. I envision myself making the roster as a special teams guy but will be ready to do anything that will help the team.

Steelers Universe :  Most of us know that you have incredible receiving skills as a RB….but can you take it up the middle if asked?
Baron: Yes

Steelers Universe :  What are you most looking forward too as a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers organization?

Baron: Well for starters I have already seen in the short time after the draft how amazing the fans are. I am really excited about having a new fan base and an entire new group of people to meet and hopefully get to influence in a positive way. I am also thrilled to be part of the best organization in the NFL, doesn’t get any better!

Steelers Universe :  You will be wearing jersey # 35, the same number worn by Hall of Famer John Henry Johnson.Coincidentally, Johnson also had great receiving skills. How does it feel to be wearing the same number as such a great player?
Baron: Its definitely cool to get to wear the same number as such a great player but in the end I still have to make the roster.

Steelers Universe :  Tell us about, would it be okay for us to add your link to
Baron: 2ndhandimages is a charity that I created to help people in need through a creative way. The site should be up and running soon and I would love for you to share the link.

Steelers Universe :  My son and I are leaving for a mission trip to Costa Rica next month. I have read about your experiences in Haiti and wonder if you have any advice for us, and if you have any future mission plans?
Baron: I am sending a photographer for 2ndhandimages back to Haiti on June19, I am not sure if I will be able to go on this trip because of football yet but hopefully it works out. As far as advice to you and your son I would tell you several things. First off just be prepared to serve in any capacity or way that is needed and try your best to remove your own intentions or preconceptions about a place or people. Understand that things will more than likely at some point not go as planned so be prepared to be flexible. Love everyone you meet.

Steelers Universe :  Is there a player that you pattern your game after?
Baron: I love the way that Frank Gore plays because of how physical he is but I would probably say I try to take the best of everyone and attempt to incorporate it into my game.

Steelers Universe :  Do you have a favorite Steeler player that you watched growing up?
Baron: Honestly when I was growing up I never watched TV that much. For a long time we didn’t have a TV and once we did it only had like 2 channels.

Baron, Thank you for your time. We are all very pleased to have such a bright and mature young man represent the Black n’Gold

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