NFL Mocks Is Looking For New Writers

Fansided’s NFLmocks is looking to add more writers to accommodate its growing readership. NFLmocks is a fast growing web-site that is apart of the fansided network. Fansided is a collection of over 100 sports blogs that gets more than a million unique visitors each month.

NFLmocks specifically is looking to expand its coverarage of the draft to “all football”. We’re looking for people interested in blogging about College Football (scouting reports, team breakdowns, college game recaps, national signing day information, etc). We’re also looking for people interested in writing about fantasy football. If you’re an avid fantasy player and wish to write consider writing here.

Writers are unpaid positions at the moment. But that writing here does not come without benefits. Eventually writers may be paid. Benefits could include:

-Getting Press Passes to events like College Games, N.F.L training camps, The Senior Bowl, the Draft, and perhaps one day even the Superbowl (though those seem more likely to go to the people actually covering the teams that are in the Superbowl).

-Good exposure. Just this month someone who wrote for a fansided blog was hired away from Fansided by ESPN to cover baseball. People have obtained many jobs through fansided. If you write good, in-depth, and interesting articles you have a chance to find yourself being pursued by bigger companies.

-To be apart of something special. Getting into a project and then being apart of it blossom is a great thing. Fansided, and NFLMocks specifically grows bigger and bigger every year. This year’s traffic has already supplanted last year’s traffic and there are still six full months tp add to the traffic for this year. I love being here because I know this site is going to get very big and when it does I can say I was a big reason why. We’re offering you that same opportunity.

-It’s fun! If you love sports, it’s fun to get your voice out to thousands of people each and every day.

Your requirements-

If you wish to write for NFLmocks send me an email at What I expect from you is to do two articles a week (the more you do the better it is for NFLmocks and for your own personal reader base). All articles should be original material (don’t post it elsewhere). Also, all articles should be spell checked and the grammar should not hinder the reading of the article.

Pretty simple right?

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is in college and is interested in writing professionally, or just love sports and wants to share his or her opinions.

Again, if you’re interested email me at You should also include a writing sample of 200 words or more.

Have a nice day, everyone.