Love the Draft? Love to Write?
This is just to let anyone out there know that NFLMocks is always looking for talented writers to add to our team to make this The best draft site out on the web.
If you’re looking to find a bigger audience to write to and love the N.F.L. draft (year round) then there might be a place for you on the staff here at which is a great way to gain exposure for all the aspiring journalists out there as fansided blogs have worked with both CBS draft coverage and also with the N.F.L. as part of the blog Blitz series. If you’re more like me and you just enjoy writing and interacting with draft fans that is also great!
There may even be opportunities for you to interview draft prospects.
What we’re Looking for is someone who is committed to providing quality draft and N.F.L. analysis year round. This of course includes writing mock drafts.
We are also looking for someone who enjoys editing and making video so that we can start a NFLMocks film library here at the site.
If you’re interested in the opportunity to join one of the fastest growing draft sites on the web and want to explore this opportunity send an email to (you may also send a writing sample for us to look at to be considered for a writing opportunity here).
Have a nice day, everyone.
Jesse Bartolis
Be sure to follow us on Twitter. @NFL_Mocks