The Ultimate NFL Draft Shopping List


In the spirit of Black Friday we are going to give you our NFL Draft shopping list.  This is a list of things we would like to see implemented for the upcoming NFL Draft.

  • Return of the all day Draft– why I understand the need to generate revenue and that moving the Draft to prime time brings viewers.  But I truly miss getting up early and knowing I have a full Saturday and Sunday to watch and enjoy the NFL Draft.
  • Better team coverage–  the different NFL Draft TV coverage tries to do their best but I feel that they could do a better job of representing the entire NFL on draft day.  They always have their reporters stationed in specific cities and those cities don’t change year to year.  I am sure a network like ESPN could afford to have someone available to report on each specific team.
  • Better Senior Bowl Coverage–  I know the NFL Network covers the Senior Bowl and they do a good job.  However, there is no reason they cannot give you every second of the Senior Bowl and its practices.
  • More love for College Football– The draft is mainly about evaluating and predicting how a player will do in the NFL.  However, I would love to see more love for College Football.  The likes of ESPN should set aside sometime to talk about the College Football season and celebrate the accomplishments of the schools and players.  Forget for a second how they project to the NFL and just give credit where credit is due.

What would you add to your NFL Draft Shopping list?  What would you like to see NFL Mocks add to our site?  Let’s see some good feedback here!