Some say he’s a good quarterback. Some say he’s a bad quarterback. In the end history will end up showing that Jay Cutler is a just plain unlucky quarterback.
The latest proof of this is the fact he’s suffered his second injury of the 2016 season. Both of which come at critical points for a quarterback. The first was the thumb on his throwing finger, the second such injury he’s suffered to that body part. Now he emerged from the loss in New York with a banged up shoulder. It’s not clear yet if he’s done for the season but the odds are not in his favor that this point. All told this could spell the end of his career with the Chicago Bears.
So what will the legacy of Cutler end up being? There are many narratives to spin. Some will call him a moody, self-important player. Others will claim he was a better teammate and person than many realize and is still so misunderstood. If one were to break his career down though and ask where it went wrong, they could break it down to three key events.
Each of them involving the loss of a coach.