Will Rackley took some time out of his busy schedule (and I mean busy..if you think you’re busy you don’t live Will Rackley’s life) to answer some few questions for us.
Where it says “more” that’s because I got some feedback on my recorder and couldn’t fully understand what he said, and I didn’t want to misquote him so he that means he said a little bit more there that was inaudible due to the feedback, but it was no more than a few words or short sentence.
What brought you to Leigh and tells us where it is for those who don’t know.
It’s located in Pennsylvanit about an hour north of Philly. When I cam out of hgih school I wasn’t heavily recruited. I was only about 6’2 260 pounds. But fortunately, I had pretty good grades. I was look at a lot of Patriot league schools like Lafayette, Colgate. When I came to Leigh to visit I loved the atmosphere. I loved the academic tradition (MORE)
What are some of your hobbies away from the football field?
Actually you know what. I’m still in school trying to graduate in April so I don’t have much time to myself. But when I do, I love music. Music is definitely one of my other passions. I could listen to music all day. Other then that, I like to hang with my friends and grab a movie or something.
What’s the scouting report on you, if you had to give yourself one.
I would say a tough guy. Someone that has a nasty side to him. Someone who understands defenses well. Physical. Some of the things to work on I would say the strength. The strength in the passing game. Getting to the second and third level, making sure my hands are right spot so that I can figure blocks a little better. Overall a guy who brings it every play and is a passionate player.
I was wondering if there was anything that inspires you on the football field.
I wouldn’t say anything in football, but as far as in life, I try to be the best at everything. I’m just a competitive person naturally and when I’m out there on the football field it’s all about winning and the drive to be one of the best players on the field.
Was there a favorite team growing up?
Not really. I’m that guy that doesn’t really have favorites. A favorite color or favorite team so no I don’t really have one. but (more)
Whats the strangest Question you have been asked by a team at the combine or during visits?
My first meeting I had the first question they asked was whats the similarity between a banana and an orange. Obviously the answer is fruit, but it just threw me off a lot, I wasn’t expecting that at all.
So you have any official team visits coming up that you can share with us?
I have a couple in April. I don’t want to say it just yet. We’ll just see how they play out.
Have there been any prospects you didn’t know that you’ve gotten close with during this process?
Yeah actually while I was down at ING I got close with a lot of guys like James Brewer (more) some other guys as well. Colby Whitlock Defensive tackle Texas Tech. So you know a couple of guys, I’ll get them out.
What do you think will be the biggest adjustment from the college to the pros especially considering the small school you are coming from?
You know I would say there’s always that aspect of talent and things like guys are bigger, stronger, faster. I would say another big thing would be learning the playbook. The new defensive schemes that’s one of the biggest things as far as transitioning to the next level
If you weren’t playing football what would you be doing?
I would say probably involved with music, I know how to play the snare, the drums so I would probably be doing something with music.
What’s the best draft-eligible player no one is talking about…besides yourself?
Hmm under the radar. Well I wouldn’t say no one is talking about, but I would probably say Brandon Fusco, he’s a real athletic guy, a big guy coming out of Slippery Rock. I don’t know if he’s under-the-radar per se, but I think he’s a pretty good player.
I’m not sure any body is under the radar as far as the teams are concerned, but maybe some of the people who read our site?
I would probably Say Brandon Fusco then.
Have you gotten a vibe about what round you might go in [drafted] yet?
You know I try not to pay any attention to what people are saying. It’s still really early in the stage for these things and I don’t really have any inkling where I will go
Who’s one N.F.L. player you’re looking forward to playing against?
I would probably say Julius Peppers. It would be very cool to go against that guy.
What’s a harder job blocking Julius Peppers or being Charlie Sheen’s publicist?
I would probably say blocking Julius Peppers. Charlie Sheen is doing a great job of getting that brand out there. He’s got like 2 million twitter followers already and it’s only been like a week.
Charlie Sheen’s life coach is probably having a harder time, though
[Chuckles]. yeah definitely.
What will you miss most about college?
I would probably say being aroud my guys 24/7 being around your best friends all the time.
Was there a moment that you realized you were talented enough to play in the N.F.L.?
After my sophomore and junior year, when I started as a freshman in college, and going into my sophomore year I became all team first conference and I knew I was a good player at that level. I started getting calls from nfl scouts after that I knew I would probably have a shot and I pursued it pretty hard.
What’s the first thing you’re buying with your new contract?
I’m probably going to buy my family dinner. Bring everybody to dinner and put it on my tab for once.
What’s your training regiment been like?
I was Before the combine it was Pretty strenuous. I was working pretty much up sun up to sun down 7 in the morning til 5 in the afternoon. Doing conditioning work and doing the 40 or 5 and 10 yard Lcones, but also doing a lot of wonderlic training it was a long day, about 12 hours a day in all. And then I also had to do homework because I”m still in school trying to graduate in May.
What’s the wonderlic training about?
We had several questions that were off the wonderlic and those types of questions. We also talked about the best way to go about answering the questions to make sure we understood what they’re talking about.
The last question I had for you, is what do you want people to know about you?
I want them to know a very focused and determined person. but not just in the football aspects, in all phases of life. And I just try to be the best I can and that’s about it.
Thank you Mr. Rackley for taking time out of your busy schedule and for being such a willing interviewee.
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